How To Download A Zip File On A Mac

How to download a zip file on a mac computer

Follow these steps to open zip files on Mac: Click the Unzip button. From the drop down menu, choose to unzip your files to this Mac, iCloud Drive, Dropbox or Google Drive. A 'Finder style' window will open. You can browse to the folder where you want the files saved. /adobe-photoshop-2014-download-mac-64/. Choose to unzip the Entire Zip file. Download Free iZip is the best way to manage archives on MAC OS X. IZip is the easiest way to manage ZIP, ZIPX, RAR, TAR, 7ZIP and other compressed files on your Mac. Best of all it's completely free so you can zip, unzip & unrar your files without limitations! Download Free; View Features; Screenshots. The Zip Mac Files for a PC program is a drag-and-drop application that creates zip files that won't confuse PC users. Mac users are accustomed to the simplicity of a Mac, but one problem with the.

Creating Zip Files on Mac. You will see an empty file in the WinZip window. Drag your files into the WinZip window. Click Add and choose the location of your files form the drop down (from your Mac, iCloud Drive or cloud services). In the Finder drop down window, choose folders, files or both. Locate the files or folders you want to archive using Mac Finder. Select the files you want to zip, and right click on their selection. Select Compress Items. Zip file is created and save in the current working directory. If single file is zipped, extension is added to the name of the file. If multiple files are zipped, “Archive.

Files you download from the Internet are often compressed or zipped so that they take up less space and arrive much faster than files that haven’t been compressed. You can easily identify compressed files by their extensions, such as .zip (a common standard used in OS X and Windows) and .sit. Before you can use these files, you must learn how to unzip files on mac computers for proper access – luckily the process isn’t that complicated!

How to unzip files on mac computers

Unzipping a file on a mac computer is user-friendly and intuitive. To unzip files on a mac, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Double click the zipped file.
  2. The file will automatically be decompressed by Archive Utility into the same folder the compressed file is in.
  3. Access the extracted files by clicking the appropriate icons.

Alternatively, if the method above does not work, you can right-click on the .zip package, and select Open With > Archive Utility (default).

Apple and third party software

Apple used to include a program called StuffIt Expander to decompress zipped files, but doesn’t now that OS X lets you unzip files (but not .sit files). However, StuffIt from SmithMicro Software still comes in handy for opening other types of compressed files, notably the .sit or .sitx compressed types. Go to or to download a free version of the software or to splurge for the Deluxe version. In addition to compressing files, StuffIt Deluxe lets you encrypt and back up files.

Meanwhile, you can archive or create your own .zip files through OS X, which is useful if you’re e-mailing a number of meaty files to a friend. Right-click (or Ctrl-click) files you want to compress inside Finder and choose Compress Filename. The newly compressed files carry the .zip extension. The archive is created in the same location as the original file and is named You can also choose File→Compress. If you compress a lot of files at once, the archive takes the name

By default, compressed files are opened with the Archive Utility. It appears in the Dock (in Leopard) while the files are being unsqueezed, unless you choose to open them with Stuffit Expander or some other program.

How to zip files on a mac

How To Download Zip Files To Iphone

On the flip side, you can also archive or create your own .zip files through OS X, which is useful if you’re e-mailing a number of meaty files to a client or friend. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to easily zip files on a mac:

How To Download Zip Files To Cricut

  1. Right-click or Ctrl-click the multiple files you want to compress (whether on the desktop or inside the Finder).
  2. Select Compress Filename from the pop-up menu.
  3. The files are now compressed in a .zip extension and the archive is created in the same location as the original file name, except with the .zip appended to its name.

How To Download Zip Files Mac Computer

On some Apple computers, you can also compress a file by simply choosing File→Compress. If you compress a lot of files at once, the archive takes the name

Safari User Guide

Download music, PDFs, software, and other items by clicking links on webpages.

How To Download A Zip File On A Mac Without

Important: If a download contains software, an alert appears when you open the item. To be safe, don’t open it if you weren’t expecting a software program or if it’s not from a trusted source.

Download an item

  1. In the Safari app on your Mac, click anything identified as a download link, or Control-click an image or other object on the page.

  2. Choose Download Linked File. (Some webpage items can’t be downloaded.)

    Safari decompresses files such as .zip files after it downloads them.

    Note: If you download an item that you previously downloaded, Safari removes the older duplicate so it doesn’t take up space on your Mac. See Optimize storage space on your Mac.


See items you downloaded

Unzip File On Mac

  1. In the Safari app on your Mac, click the Show Downloads button near the top-right corner of the Safari window.

    The button isn’t shown if the downloads list is empty.

  2. Do any of the following:

    • Pause a download: Click the Stop button to the right of the filename in the downloads list. To resume, click the Resume button .

    • Find a downloaded item on your Mac: Click the magnifying glass next to the filename in the downloads list. If you move a file or change the download location after downloading it, Safari can’t find the file.

      Tip: To change where downloaded items are saved on your Mac, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the “File download location” pop-up menu and choose a location.

    • Clear the downloads list: In the downloads list, click Clear. To remove one item, Control-click it, then choose Remove From List.

      By default, Safari automatically removes an item after one day. To change when items are automatically removed, choose Safari > Preferences, click General, then click the “Remove download list items” pop-up menu and choose an option.

Free Unzip Program For Mac

See alsoAdd passes to Wallet in Safari on MacIf you can’t download an item from the web using Safari on MacChange Websites preferences in Safari on Mac